1.Awards Nominations- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) is always looking for an opportunity to show Texas Law Enforcement personnel how valuable they are and how much we appreciate the awesome job they do everyday. We see news headlines everyday in which law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty, where they seize large amounts of drugs off our streets, they capture violent criminals, they protect our communities, they serve as role models to our children volunteering in our schools and as youth coaches, and they work countless hours offering up true selfless services to keep the citizens safe all while sacrificing time with their own families. For those reasons and many more, TPT has complied a list of agencies, organizations and associations that recognized those same qualifies and sacrifices law enforcement personnel make, and they want to recognize them. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit "Awards Nomination" to check out the list of award opportunities for law enforcement.
2.Building Curriculum/Courses- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) can package up a course for you. Course package include; curriculum, lesson plan, PowerPoint presentation, evaluation instrument, student handouts and all reference material.
3. Building Online/E-Learning Training Courses - Let us help you develop an online training program. E-learning has definite benefits over traditional classroom training. While the most obvious are the flexibility and the cost savings from not having to travel or spend excess time away from work, there are also others that might not be so obvious. For example; less expensive, self paced, faster, consistent, any location and anytime, updated with ease, increased retention and easily managed.
4.Honoring Texas Law Enforcement Fallen Heroes- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) is dedicated to honoring Texas Law enforcement heroes – those who have died in the line of duty and those who continue to serve and protect. We invite you to learn more about our State of Texas law enforcement heroes and to join us in respecting, honoring and remembering them. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit the "Honoring our Fallen Heroes" link.
5.Instructor Portal- Allows contracted training providers/coordinators and instructors holding the state regulatory agency's Instructor Proficiency Certification access to shared instructor resources. Also training coordinators and agency administrators can locate other instructors across the State of Texas within the various regions. By locating a certified instructor in or near your region, helps in managing and maximizing an agency's training dollars.
6. Law Enforcement Associations (Texas, National & International)- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of many of the law enforcement associations in Texas, and the national and international level that you may or may not be familiar with. There are so many benefits associated with being a member of a law enforcement association including; legal representation, discount on education and training events, dependent and members scholarships, law enforcement award opportunities, networking, career enhancement, employment opportunities, discounts on product and members services including medical, life, automotive and homeowners insurances, and a plethora of other association benefit services. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit the "Law Enforcement Associations" to check out the list of associations and to navigate to their site.
7. Law Enforcement Grants- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of many of the law enforcement Grants. Grants are an excellent way for a law enforcement agency to receive funding beyond the limits of your operational budget. Grants help fill in the void that the limitation of funds create. Grants help pay for equipment, vehicles, training, and funding for personnel. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit "Law Enforcement Grants" to check out the list of available Grants and to navigate to their site.
8.Law Enforcement Job Vacancies (commissioned and non-commissioned)- The importance of career networking should never be underestimated, so Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of many of the law enforcement jobs in all areas of law enforcement both commissioned and civilian positions with active departments across the state. You may have already heard this commonly quoted statistic that 80% of jobs are never advertised. Well, if TPT hear of a law enforcement job opening, we are going to advertise it for you. Put the advantages of networking to work for you, because if you truly want to maximize your job search and speed up the job-hunting process, you want to subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and visit the Job Vacancy link to check out the list of available job listings and to navigate to their site.
9.Law Enforcement Vendors- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of Texas law enforcement vendors that support our Texas agencies in providing them with the latest in uniform, equipment, technology and support. Many of the vendors have become a mainstream retailer of police uniforms, equipment and support to our law enforcement community. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit “Vendors” to check out the list of available Texas law enforcement vendors and business that support law enforcement personnel, and navigate to their site to check out their products and services.
10. Monthly Newsletter- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) disseminates a monthly bulletin via email to all members of our website that list a statewide consolidated training calendar for training occurring across the state and highlights other information.
11. Learning Management System (LMS) Online Help Desk Set-up & Support - Texas Police Trainers (TPT) can help your agency set-up and/or manage an Online Help Desk for your Online Training Program that provides detail reporting, accountability, and full access to view your Help Desk statistics at your fingertips. We can also train your personnel to serve and provide Online Help Desk support.
12. Scholarships- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of many of the law enforcement scholarships for law enforcement dependent children, spouses and commissioned personnel. Scholarships assist the dependent children and spouses of commissioned law enforcement personnel toward the cost of attending eligible public or private post-secondary schools. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit "Scholarships" to check out the list of available Scholarships and to navigate to their site.
13. Social Media BLOG/Follow Us- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has created a Facebook Page & Twitter BLOG space where our subscribers can network, comment and discuss a variety of law enforcement topics as well as ask questions and share information. The emergence and growth of social media to communicate, express, and share information and viewpoints is a growing trend so TPT wanted to offer this opportunity on our site.
14. Statewide Consolidated Training Calendar (Training, training and more training)- Texas Police Trainers (TPT) has consolidated in one location a list of law enforcement training across the state offered by state contracted law enforcement training providers and non contracted training providers. Because of the complexity of policing, and the many aspects of it, the more education a licensee (Peace Officer, Jailer, Telecommunication Officer) has, the better he/she is prepared to deal with matters on the street. Lack of training can cause a host of liability for an agency and individual. The better trained an individual is, the lower the civil or criminal liability risk upon himself/herself or their department. Training also lends to protection for yourself and the citizens your protect. Knowing what to do and when to do it requires training. The training included on the site covers legislative mandated courses, certification courses, licensing courses and a plethora of continuing education and specialized courses. Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and "Training Resources" to check out the list of available training being taught and hosted across the State of Texas.
15.Texas Police Trainers Products: Subscribe to Texas Police Trainers and then visit or "Store" to check out the list of customized TPT products from customized mugs to t-shirts.
16.Website Design & Management - Texas Police Trainers (TPT) thoroughly understand the needs of the law enforcement community and will assist in building and developing your website and content for the Internet (word wide web) or an Intranet (a private network). It doesn't matter if you are in need of a website for you law enforcement training business, association or our department, we can design and manage it. Development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications (or just 'web apps') electronic businesses, and social network services. Sit back while our professional designers build your website following your lead and input. We craft on WordPress, the most popular and flexible building platform there is, so it's easy to adjust or add to your site as your organization grows. We can also craft on any web builder platform of your choice. Some of the most popular law enforcement website components include; Department Pages, Press Releases, Special Message, Outstanding Warrants List, Sex Offenders, Jail Roster, Calendar of Events, Public Forms & Information, Fees/Citations Page, Crime Tips & Prevention, Helpful Links, etc.
If you are interested in any of the services we provide, give us a call at 512-766-0659 or email us at [email protected] to discuss your needs and specific details.